How Quiet Titles Can Clear Up Estate Plan Issues
Do you believe you have a right to property that you inherited? Does another party, possible a potential buyer or a company with a lien on the property, think otherwise? If so, you may be able to clear up the disagreements with the help of a quiet title. A quiet title is a type of lawsuit where a property owner enforces his or her right to be the sole owner listed on a specific property title. Quiet titles are supposed to "quiet" other claims and enforce a ruling that a particular individual has ownership of certain real property.
There are a variety of instances where quiet titles are necessary. For one, there can be several individuals who claim ownership to a particular property. Maybe a father passes away, leaving the property to his son. When the property is transferred, the son discovers that his father was in the process of selling the property at the time of his death. This means that the individual must now enforce his right to the property through a quiet title because the buyer's name is already listed on the property.
Also, there are times that the transfer of property may provide complications, listing several different owners for a certain piece of property. You can solidly establish your inheritance of a property and make sure that you are recognized as the owner by using one of these quiet title lawsuits.
Talk with a probate attorney today if you want to learn more about quiet title lawsuits and see how they can help you to save your home or inherited property from others. If your loved one jointly owned property, you may be able to enforce your rights of joint ownership over others in a quiet title situation. Call a local probate lawyer today to learn more.
Posted on Jun 16, 2014 3:52pm PDT